Our Pastor


Rev. Dr. Adam L. Bond is the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church
Richmond, Virginia.

Rev. Dr. Adam L. Bond

Dr. Adam L. Bond is the pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in the historic Jackson Ward district of Richmond, Virginia. An ordained minister in the American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA), he maintains a commitment to the local church and higher education. His ministry positions have included being on the staff of the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin, serving as the former pastor of the Providence Baptist Church of Ashland, Virginia, and teaching at Mount Mary University, Central Baptist Theological Seminary, the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology of Virginia Union University, and Virginia Theological Seminary. He sees himself as a resource person for students, congregations, and community groups.

He has published several works on faith and leadership, including I’ve Been Called: Now What? (Judson Press, 2012), The Imposing Preacher: Samuel DeWitt Proctor and Black Public Faith (Fortress Press, 2013), and a co-edited volume entitled Church on Purpose: Reinventing Discipleship, Community, and Justice (Judson Press, 2015). He is working on a history of African American Baptists entitled Read the Text First: Black Baptist Leaders, Race Literature, and the Salvation of America.

Bond is a graduate of the University of Memphis (Bachelor of Professional Studies) and has earned degrees from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology of Virginia Union University (Master of Divinity), and Marquette University (Master of Arts in Theology and Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies). 

He and his wife are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters.

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